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Membership Information

Welcome to the community! To become a member of Congregation Beth Tefillah, please click here for a printable membership application, or click here to fill out the application on line.

Dues and Fees


Member Family Dues Senior/Single Member Dues Silver Patron Gold Patron
$1300* $650 $3600** $7200**

Capital Fund

(can be deferred until after first year of membership)

$3000 payable over 5 years or by arrangement $3000 payable over 5 years or by arrangement $3000 payable over 5 years or by arrangement

*Reduced to $1200 if paid before December 31.

**Includes 2 High Holiday seats.

Mail the application, along with your dues to:

Congregation Beth Tefillah
452 Forest Avenue
Paramus, NJ 07652

If you prefer, you can drop it in the mail slot at the shul. If you've filled out the application on line, just mail payment to the above address or drop off in the mail slot at the shul.

Fri, January 24 2025 24 Tevet 5785